Help! How do I protect baby from the sun?
Top hints and tips from Finn + Emma…
Sunny day,
Sweepin’ the clouds away…
It’s natural to want to bring baby out on a beautiful, sunny day—but before you do, be sure you’re prepared accordingly. Babies’ skin is thinner than yours and requires extra care, so today we’re sharing some of our top tips for sun protection.
Time it right
If you’re going to be outside with your little one, it’s best to avoid the hours between 10am and 2pm, when the sun’s UV rays are most intense.
Dress for the occasion
The goal is to protect baby’s skin as much as possible. It’s best to dress them in breathable and lightweight natural fibers that cover as much of their body as possible (like Finn + Emma’s coveralls in buttery soft organic cotton!). Sunglasses are also a must to protect their eyes, as well as a brimmed hat to keep the sun off of their face. You may also wish to use an umbrella or stroller canopy for added shade.
Don’t forget the sunscreen
For kids over six months of age, sunscreen is a necessity. But toddlers’ skin is still very sensitive, so look out for baby-safe products—and you may want to test a new sunscreen on your child’s wrist the day before you plan to be outside. Be sure to use sunscreen even on cloudy days—and all year long. If you have questions or concerns, it’s always a good idea to consult your pediatrician.
Extra care for the littlest ones
The Food & Drug Administration generally recommends keeping infants under six months out of the sun. Their skin lacks protection against water loss and chemicals, among other things—putting them at risk for dehydration and skin irritation from sunscreen use. If you do have to bring a small baby out, and adequate shade isn’t available, use a baby-safe sunscreen with at least SPF 15 on exposed parts of the body (and try to keep baby from licking it off!).
For more information, check out:
The Environmental Working Group’s list of 19 Best-Scoring Sunscreens for Babies and Kids
Sun Protection for Infants from the Skin Cancer Foundation